Uniquely Imperfect Needs
“I just finished your book,” said a friend. “I want to be just like you.” Mentioning a prayer I shared in one chapter,” she asked, “How can I interact with God like that?” After asking her what she really wanted, (intimacy with God), I said, “Kathryn, you have what you long for. I’ve watched you escape workaholism to bond with God through spontaneous flexibility—and that fits you beautifully. “God’s created me to connect spiritually in part through the exploration of words and concepts. We don’t have to interact with God in the same way. He cherishes our authenticity.” “That’s freedom, isn’t it?” she responded. God’s big enough to meet each one of us according to our unique personalities and needs. Some of us need to stop thinking and do, while others need to stop doing and think. Some need to stop asking and give, though others need to cease giving and ask. Some of us need to stop crying and smile, yet others need to stop smiling and cry. Some need to stop confronting and give in, while others need to quit compromising and confront. Some of us need to stop waiting and run, though others need to stop running and wait. Some need to practice discipline and organize, yet others need to cease structuring themselves into a box and relax[i]. What do you need today? Lord, thanks for allowing me to be myself in our relationship. I love you. Making It Personal: Name a time when you felt really connected to God. What was happening? I (Joan) excerpted this devotional from my new book, It’s a Wonderful (Imperfect) Life: Devotional Readings for Women Who Strive Too Hard to Make It Just Right.Check it out at Amazon. Click on the underlined words. A devo a day keeps the overwhelm at bay!
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Joan C. WebbWriting, teaching, coaching to empower and set free. |